Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Treating Dupuytren's disease

There's some correlation between Peyronie's disease and Dupuytren's contracture, though the structures involved are fairly different. So this treatment for Dupuytren's, a disorder for which there's been no good treatment, is at least of passing interest:
Straightening Bent Fingers, No Surgery Required - New York Times

Keith Felcyn, a retired senior editor of BusinessWeek magazine who lives in Greenwich, Conn., had not been able to fully extend the little and ring fingers of his left hand for 20 years. But last month, it took 20 minutes for a doctor in Ontario, Ore., to reverse his Dupuytren’s disease, a benign but ultimately disabling disorder in which the fascia of the hand thickens and draws the fingers permanently into the palm.

The disabling disorder causes patients’ fingers to become fixed in a bent position.

“When he finished and I could lay my hand flat,” Mr. Felcyn recalled, “I said, ‘My God, this is a miracle.’ ”

The procedure, called needle aponeurotomy or percutaneous fasciotomy, involves using the bevel of a hypodermic needle to essentially shred the ropes of constricting fascia characteristic of Dupuytren’s disease. The disorder, named for Baron Guillaume Dupuytren, a 19th-century French surgeon who wrote about it, afflicts up to 25 percent of people over 40 in Western countries and is most common in men of northern European descent. Ronald Reagan had it; so does Margaret Thatcher. Risk factors for the disease include hand or wrist trauma, repetitive strain, alcoholism, smoking and diabetes.

Needle aponeurotomy, which leaves only superficial puncture wounds, was developed 30 years ago by a group of French rheumatologists and is now being practiced in the United States by fewer than a dozen physicians. Thousands of patients like Mr. Felcyn are flocking to these doctors every year, many against the advice of hand surgeons who say open hand surgery is more effective.

“Surgery has a lower recurrence rate,” said Dr. Richard Gelberman, chairman of the department of orthopedics at Washington University in St. Louis, and president of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. The recurrence rate for needle aponeurotomy is around 50 percent after three years, according to several studies published in French medical journals. Studies in the British and American medical literature indicate that the recurrence rate for fasciectomy, or surgical removal of the diseased fascia, is 40 percent after five years.

But surgery carries a significantly higher risk of complications like nerve and vascular injury, infection, inflammation and something called a flare reaction in which the hand gets very swollen, red and stiff.

“Fasciectomy is a delicate procedure that requires meticulous technique,” said Dr. Steven Z. Glickel, director of the C.V. Starr Hand Surgery Center at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York. Moreover, he added, “Patients have to be committed to physical therapy” for six weeks to four months before they can expect to regain full function of the hand.

Mr. Felcyn played tennis the day after his needle aponeurotomy, which, unlike surgery, can be easily repeated should he have a recurrence.

Dr. David Kline, who performed the procedure using a mild local anesthetic, had the same thing done to both his hands five years earlier in France.

“I cried the day I had it done,” Dr. Kline said. “I was so happy to be able to use my hands.” As an emergency room doctor, he had thought his career was over until an Internet search turned up a group of rheumatologists at the Hôpital Lariboisière in Paris offering an alternative to surgery.

Dr. Kline paid 40 euros, about $55, to undergo the procedure. He returned to Paris in 2005 to receive training in the technique. Dr. Kline said he had since performed more than 600 needle aponeurotomies, in addition to continuing to practice emergency medicine, at Holy Rosary Medical Center, in Ontario, Ore.

There is little competition because so few doctors offer it in the United States; a list can be found at http://www.dupuytren-online.info/needle-aponeurotomy.html.

The cost is $500 to $650 per affected finger and is covered by Medicare.

Dr. Charles Eaton, a hand surgeon in Jupiter, Fla., said the technique had been slow to gain acceptance by other American surgeons because “it sounds crazy to work on the delicate structures of the hand without cutting it open to see what you are doing,” especially when Dupuytren’s disease often distorts the anatomy of the hand.

But because patients are awake for the procedure, he said they can report a tingling sensation if the one-half millimeter needle gets too close to a nerve, and they can move their fingers to reveal the location of tendons.

“It took a long time for arthroscopy to take hold, too,” Dr. Eaton said.
It would be interesting to understand exactly how and why this works. I was surprised by the cited prevalence for Dupuytren's. If it's really that common (25%?! of all men over 40?) then any historic association with Peyronie's may be completely coincidental.

Update 8/4/07: The prevalence of contractures is not 25%. Amongst Caucasian European males over age 40 it's probably 1-4%, and maybe 5%+ in Scandinavians.


Anonymous said...

I've had a mild case of Dupuytrens for several years, so I've been aware of Needle Aponeurotomy for awhile and plan to try it when my Dupuytrens gets bad. I've gathered information from the internet about doctors in France and Belgium that perform the procedure.
I recently developed Peyronies and have been wondering whether this treatment could work for Peyronies. I noticed that the website for a Belgian doctor who treats Dupuytrens with Needle Aponeurotomy mentions that she also treats Peyronies. However, it's not clear from her website whether she uses Needle Aponeurotomy for the Peyronies, but I assume she does. I just sent her a message through her website asking that question. The website address is http://www.dupuytren.be/

hortenis said...

Thanks for the report, please add a note here on what you learn. Researchers have long assumed a connection between Peyronie's and Dupuytrens, but I have a hunch that there's LESS clarity about this relationship now. Both disorders are quite common in white men (northern european) so they may simply co-occur by chance.

I wouldn't consider needle apneurotomy treatment for Peyronie's outside of a carefully controlled clinical trial and I suspect we're years from having any such trial approved (if ever). A urologic surgeon, for example, might say such treatment makes no sense at all ...

Anonymous said...

The Belgian doctor replied, and confirmed that she doesn't use Needle Aponeurotomy for Peyronies. Instead, she said she treats peyronies with a series of injections over several weeks.

Anonymous said...

You can find a list of NA doctors in Europe on http://www.dupuytren-online.info/NA_list_other_countries.html

Good luck to you!

Anonymous said...

The prevalence varies between countries and ethnic groups also depending strongly on age and gender. There seems to be a lot of Dupuytren's contracture also in Japan, Spain, and Bosnia http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytren_age_distribution.html

Anonymous said...

When I got so I couldn't put my left hand flat I had a Needle Aponeurotomy done on the tendons to the ring and little fingers. It was done by a doctor at Kaiser Permanente in Southern California. While the doctor did say that it is a new procedure, he did not hesitate to do it. So I must assume that Kaiser approves. It took about 20 mins under local. The bumps/lumps don't go away but they got smaller and I can fully extend my fingers. In the last 2 years I have developed PD. The urologist said to take vitamin E and if that doesn't work they would consider surgery.

Unknown said...

Please, what Kaiser facility and what doctor? It's been a year now since my husband has been diagnosed, his hands hurt all the time and the doctor will only give him the surgery option, when he even bothers to see him which has only been 3 times.